What does varnish do?
It adds a protective, glossy coating. It makes an item shine. What makes you shine? When your inner world is restored, what adds that protective, glossy coating for you? These are the practical outer things that restore you. Perhaps you can glean from my story…
Yet there was huge value in enjoying Dear Zoo with each child.
Repairing it meant that it could continue to serve our family and bring us joy. This week we return to the three steps of restoring a masterpiece. We’re on step two: Repair It – Repair rips in the canvas, and fix cracked and peeling paint. If you’ve been around Sanctuary of Home long, then you know that we’re not going to look at issues that need surface repairs, like mending children’s books. Looking deeper, Momma, what needs repairs in your life? What is cracked and peeling? |
January 2025