It doesn’t always happen, yet in that moment my Little One remembered who I was: the Mommy who loves her, the one who would do something good to help her hurt.
Do you remember who your Father God is in the midst of your hurt? Do you remember He is the One who loves you, the One who will do something good to help your hurt?
The Lord asks you to remember Him, His faithfulness, His awesome works, His deeds, His character.
He asked the Israelites to gather stones from the middle of the Jordan and set them up when they reached the other side to help them remember His faithfulness. (Joshua 4) The Lord established that the Israelites were to wear tassels on the corners of their garments, to help them remember and obey His commandments. (Num 15:37-41) When Passover was established, it was as a remembrance of how the Lord passed over them in Egypt, saving them from death. (Deut 16:1-3) The Lord Jesus tells us to eat the bread and drink the cup in remembrance of Him. That in celebrating communion, we remember the sacrifice He made for us in love. (1 Cor 11:23-26) Each of these is to bring you pause. To think on who the Lord is, to remember His love, and to realign your trust in Him. It makes me think of these lyrics, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.”* Remember. What has the Lord done for you? How has He protected? Provided? Given? This is His love story to you, Momma. You are loved. Remember. As you remember, turn to your Father God with assurance and trust. Will you take pause and know that He loves you, and He will do something good to help your hurt? It may sting, like soap to a hurt sometimes does. Yet like my 5-year-old, remember: He is a Good Father. You are loved. Remember. Go forth with joy. © Sanctuary of Home™ All Rights Reserved
*Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, Helen Lemmel 1922
All Scripture references, unless otherwise indicated, are from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
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January 2025