Thankfully, through prayer, the Lord reminded us that we had a filter through which we could sift requests like this one.
It is our Marriage Mission.
I’m not sure where we heard about it, but years ago we had been introduced to an article by Kevin and Karen Miller called Married on Purpose. We, individually, are made on purpose, for a purpose, in love. The Millers challenged us that we are also married on purpose, for a purpose, to love. In Ecclesiastes the Lord tells us, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work…A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” (Ecc 4:9-12) While this is not particularly talking about marriage, we can apply the concept here. Through a look at Genesis the Millers argue that one of the purposes of marriage is joint, fulfilling service: joined - to make a difference – together…in a way they otherwise could not do alone. After reading the article, we took the challenge to heart. We prayed. We set a time to come together to discuss. We came up with a Marriage Mission of our own. For what purpose did the Lord bring you and your husband together? The Millers challenge you to answer these two questions: “Do you believe God brought the two of you together?” Then, “What do you think God may have brought you together for?” It’s an important question to consider. As you answer it with your spouse, it can help guide and direct vision, goals, and decisions. It can bring you together in a powerful way as you look at how the Lord complimented you to bring about His purposes for His Kingdom. It can give you excitement as you share a direction. It may also give your day-to-day routine purpose and direction. So, to make the decision about whether or not to give the message at church, we filtered it through our marriage mission, which is:
Through prayer and this filter, we decided yes. This would meet both two and three of our marriage mission. It would be worth the sacrifice necessary to do it. Our Marriage Mission is vastly different from the Miller’s. And yours will likely be vastly different from ours. That’s the beauty of it. As the Lord created you an original masterpiece, so your marriage is uniquely individual too. What is your Marriage Mission? If you don’t have one (and most don’t – we wouldn’t either if this hadn’t been introduced to us), I highly recommend you take the step and start the process. The Millers walk through how they came up with their Marriage Mission in their article Married on Purpose. Check it out here. Answer the question: “What do you think God may have brought you together for?” Discover. Together. You’ll be glad you did. © Sanctuary of Home™ All Rights Reserved
All Scripture references, unless otherwise indicated, are from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
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January 2025