What does varnish do?
It adds a protective, glossy coating. It makes an item shine. What makes you shine? When your inner world is restored, what adds that protective, glossy coating for you? These are the practical outer things that restore you. Perhaps you can glean from my story…
On our monthly phone date, my girlfriend asked, “How often are you getting out by yourself?”
My response, “Um, well, I think….” She said, “You need to get out, one night a week, starting now. Do things that are fun. Do it.” It rang true. I’m thankful for a girlfriend who will tell it to me straight…no matter how hard it is to hear. This started what eventually became a weekly time out by myself that we call, “Mommy Time”. Aka: time for Mommy to do what she wants, by herself, without anyone needing her! One of these first times out, my friend’s words circled in my mind, “Do things that are fun. Do things that are fun. Do things that are fun.” Yet after two babies, and years of continuous trials, I had forgotten what fun was for me. The word itself felt foreign, forgotten. I pulled out a Starbucks napkin and began to write whatever came to mind that sounded fun: Walks Puzzles Games Coffee with a friend Reading Swimming It felt feeble. Silly. Yet it was an important step in rediscovering myself after so much pouring out. What is re-varnishing for you? Aside from the Lord, what externally helps to revive you? Here are some more ideas: Biking Traveling Painting Journaling Refinishing furniture Knitting Book Club Running The list is endless! I challenge you to do this brief exercise. It will only take 10 seconds! Grab a notepad and a pen, and set a timer for 10 seconds. Answer the question: What is fun for me? What makes me shine? Go! You may get 2-3 items, or more if you write fast. This life, while rich, meaningful, and worthwhile, is difficult. So Momma, plan in activities that make you shine! © Sanctuary of Home™ All Rights Reserved
All Scripture references, unless otherwise indicated, are from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
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January 2025