She befriended me; an additional grandmother God knew I needed.
She was Grandma Marguerite. How welcomed, wanted, and treasured I felt with her! Unknowingly, she taught me what it means to be a Home Maker. She did this simply by being who she was and inviting me to be a part of it.
I’ve heard it too many times. A daughter of the Lord Almighty, obeying His call on her life, and she feels as though she needs to apologize for it. It makes my blood boil.
When the group ended, I approached this beautiful woman. “I’d like to challenge the idea that you are just a stay-at-home-mom,” I said. She looked at me, silent, waiting.
Thankfully, through prayer, the Lord reminded us that we had a filter through which we could sift requests like this one.
It is our Marriage Mission.
She’d seen the movie, Chariots of Fire, about his life. She agreed with the portrayal of his character in the film, that when she ran, she felt God’s pleasure. Secretly, she yearned for that gold medal herself – in the marathon.
Yet after over two years of infertility, watching my five-month-old in my husband’s arms, something shifted. The Lord was shifting the direction of my launch. Turning it for His purposes, and my joy. Finding myself a homemaker, of which I was decidedly never going to be, with babe in arms, of which I had desired for so long, I found a gift I never knew I’d wanted. I didn’t want to leave it, not even for a short time. In geometry you learn that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Yet the Lord, in His sovereignty and great love for you, is not in a hurry to get you from Point A to Point B. Rather, it’s the journey He cares about.
Yet my launches in life seemed to come about much slower than diving off the block at the whistle blow.
This was particularly the case with my launch into motherhood. My husband and I tried to conceive, to no avail. The desire to be a momma grew, yet there was no fruit in my womb.
It doesn’t always happen, yet in that moment my Little One remembered who I was: the Mommy who loves her, the one who would do something good to help her hurt.
Do you remember who your Father God is in the midst of your hurt? Do you remember He is the One who loves you, the One who will do something good to help your hurt?
We arrived at our destination. Pete told the children to go ahead of us.
“Here it comes,” I thought. I already knew how I’d been acting. I didn’t need, nor want to discuss it. Instead, he took me by surprise.
January 2025